We are reaching out to restaurants to have them sign up to participate. If you are a restaurant owner and you would like to commit to participating in Dining Out For Life - South Sound on April 24, 2025, please fill out the information on the form so we can add your business to the listings for patrons to find.
How to support AHAT Homecare 1) Dine out at a participating restaurant on April 24, 2025 (Proceeds to benefit AHAT Homecare) Restaurant list available at: diningoutforlife.com/southsound 2) Donate directly to AHAT Homecare at: ahathomecare.harnessgiving.org/donate/ 3) Sign up for the AHAT Homecare mailing list (Newsletter Sign Up at the bottom of this page)
Donate to AHAT Homecare
Your donations go to support the ongoing mission of AHAT Homecare to support people living with HIV/AIDS in Washington State. We offer affordable housing and access to healthcare for residents and the community in three programs. Three Cedars, Project Open Door and Healthy Living.
In 2025 we are embarking on a capital project that includes adding more beds and housing opportunities for Project Open Door. We are currently in the works to have a food pantry up and running by the end of 2025 as part of our Healthy Living program. Three Cedars currently provides 24/7 housing and access to care for residents living with HIV/AIDS.
April 24, 2025 (All Day) Restaurants in the South Puget Sound participate in Dining Out For Life benefitting AHAT Homecare on April 24, 2025.
Ambassador involvement Volunteer / Ambassador: Ambassadors are volunteers with AHAT Homecare representing both AHAT Homecare and Dining Out For Life - South Sound. As an Ambassador, volunteers get to work with a restaurant to be the face of Dining Out For Life and AHAT Homecare. Volunteers are VERY important as they are the face of AHAT Homecare and Dining Out For Life that day. Most ambassadors will be present on site from 5PM - 9PM on the day of the event talking to people about how to support AHAT Homecare. Additional shifts include the morning and mid day shifts at select locations. Morning shift is 7AM - 10AM and mid day shift is 11AM - 2PM. Ambassadors are encouraged to be on-site for as much of this time as possible and to engage respectfully with restaurants patrons and to ensure smooth operations for restaurant staff.
What are other ways to be involved? 1) Dine out at a participating restaurant on April 24, 2025 (Proceeds to benefit AHAT Homecare) Restaurant list available at: diningoutforlife.com/southsound 2) Donate directly to AHAT Homecare at: ahathomecare.harnessgiving.org/donate/ 3) Sign up for the AHAT Homecare mailing list (Newsletter Sign Up Below)